
There are several ways of creating language objects, but we can divide them into two basic categories:

Directly with class name

First of all you can just create new object, it's the best way if you exactly know language that you want to highlight and it's not dependent on any input.

use Kadet\Highlighter\Language;

$language = new Language\Php([options]); 


But it's not the only way, if chosen language is dependent on some kind of input, it'd be much better to use some of helper factory methods:

use Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Language;

$language = Language::byName('php', [options]); // with name
$language = Language::byMime('application/x-php', [options]); // with MIME type
$language = Language::byFilename('test.php', [options]); // by extension

All alias definitions can be found in Config/aliases.php

Language reference

Class Name MIME Extension
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\C c text/x-csrc, text/x-chdr *.c, *.h, *.idc
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Cpp cpp, c++ text/x-c++src, text/x-c++hdr *.cpp, *.hpp, *.hxx, *.cxx, *.cc, *.hh
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\CSharp CSharp, C# text/x-csharp *.cs
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Css\Less less text/x-less *.less
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Css\Sass sass text/x-sass *.sass
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Css\Scss scss text/x-scss *.scss
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Css css text/css *.css
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Go go, golang text/x-go, application/x-go, text/x-golang, application/x-golang *.go
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Html html text/html *.html, *.htm
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Http http none none
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Ini ini text/x-ini, text/inf *.ini, *.cfg, *.inf
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Java java text/x-java *.java
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\JavaScript js, jscript, javascript application/javascript, application/x-javascript, text/x-javascript, text/javascript *.js, *.jsx
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Latex tex, latex application/x-tex, application/x-latex *.tex, *.aux, *.toc
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Markdown markdown, md text/markdown *.markdown, *.md
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Perl perl text/x-perl, application/x-perl *.pl, *.pm, *.t
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Php php text/x-php, application/x-php *.php, *.phtml, *.inc, *.php?
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\PlainText plaintext, text, none text/plain none
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\PowerShell powershell, posh text/x-powershell, application/x-powershell *.ps1, *.psm1, *.psd1
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Python\Django django, jinja application/x-django-templating, application/x-jinja none
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Python python, py text/x-python, application/x-python *.py
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Ruby ruby text/x-ruby, application/x-ruby *.rb, *.rbw, Rakefile, *.rake, *.gemspec, *.rbx, *.duby, Gemfile
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Shell shell, bash, zsh, sh text/x-shellscript, application/x-shellscript *.sh, *.zsh, *.bash, *.ebuild, *.eclass, *.exheres-0, *.exlib, .bashrc, bashrc, .bash_*, bash_*, PKGBUILD
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Sql\MySql mysql text/x-mysql none
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Sql sql text/x-sql *.sql
Kadet\Highlighter\Language\Xml xml, xaml application/xml, text/xml *.xml, *.xaml